
Our Review System

Book Reviews

Recommended For

This is where we put what age group we feel it is most appropriate for.


We rate the content of the book in this section using standard movie ratings (G, PG, PG-13). Unless the author has provided a rating, it is based on our own personal experience with modern movie ratings. If there are any content concerns, we will list them here.


Here we give a general overview and general thoughts on the book.
We rate the writing, setting, plot, and character development on a scale of one to five, one being worst and five best.


The analysis of how the book is written. We evaluate grammar and presence or absence of typos as well as style, descriptions, and just in general how well the story is told.


Discussion of the worldbuilding for fantasy and science fiction, historical accuracy for historical fiction, etc.


The analysis of the story line. (Is it coherent? Does it make sense? Is it intriguing?)

Character Development

Are the characters 3-dimensional? Are they unique? Do they have character arcs? Are they characters who we love?


Any final thoughts and whether we would recommend the book.

Movie Reviews

  Recommended For

This is where we put what age group we feel it is most appropriate for.


The official rating of the movie, and any additional content concerns or disagreements we might have with the rating if applicable.


Here we give a general overview and general thoughts on the movie.


The quality of the technical aspects of the movie such as acting and special effects as well as the quality of storytelling.


Same as books, but also the sets and locations upon which the movie was filmed.


The analysis of the story line. (Is it coherent? Does it make sense? Is it intriguing?)

Character Development

Are the characters 3-dimensional? Are they unique? Do they have character arcs? Are they characters who we love?


Any final thoughts and whether we would recommend the movie.

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