
About Us

Morgan Elizabeth Huneke

Morgan Elizabeth Huneke is a homeschool graduate who lives in Georgia.  She enjoys writing, reading, playing the piano and violin, and politics. She is the author of two middle grade children's books and counting.

Rebekah Huneke

 Rebekah Huneke is a teen homeschool student who is the tallest of the three Huneke children. She enjoys reading, playing the piano and cello, sculpting, cross-stitching, and otherwise occupying her time.

Addyson M. Huneke

Addyson M. Huneke is a teen homeschool student who can often be seen with a book in her hand. When not reading, she is writing stories, playing the piano, singing, dancing, or petting the dog.


  1. This is a awesome blog! I love reading reviews! I can't wait to read more!

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy our reviews! I enjoy your blog, too. You take some really neat pictures!


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